Sarona Global Growth Markets PE
Date: 2014
Asset Class: Private Equity
Description: Sarona invests in local businesses that serve the rising middle class across the Global Growth Markets –Asia, Africa, Latin America and Emerging Europe. This offers investors an opportunity to participate in the growing strength of these economies and to build healthy new economies for future generations. Sarona partners with local private equity companies to reduce risk and leverage local experience.
Why We Invest: Three billion people in emerging markets will be moving out of poverty into the middle class in the first 50 years of this century. Sarona lets investors invest in this mega trend while encouraging that trend by strengthening those economies. The layered capital stack of the fund with partial first loss guarantees and low interest debt from OPIC/USDFC enhances expected returns. In addition international mid market investments have a low correlation to developed market equites. Sarona has delivered impact. Their 200 companies support 220,000 jobs, serving 473 million clients.