Issue One
Date: 2018
Asset Class: Grant
Description: Issue One is a crosspartisan political reform group in Washington, uniting Republicans, Democrats, and independents in the movement to fix our broken political system.
Why We Invest: American democracy is in crisis. Congress is gridlocked. Special interests are running Washington. Dark money is flooding our elections. Politicians are picking their voters through gerrymandered districts. Our politics are polarized, and we can’t get anything done. The public’s desire to disrupt the status quo in Washington is strong, and four in five voters polled about the 2018 election supported bipartisan political reforms — including 85% of Democrats, 81% of independents, and 78% of Republicans. Issue One’s cross party work has moved political reform legislation through Congress, including the Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act, a commonsense transparency measure that had languished for 15 years, the Honest Ads Act to prevent foreign disinformation campaigns,
the Political Accountability and Transparency Act to close dark money loopholes and end political slush funds in Congress, and legislation to overhaul the Federal Election Commission.